Regina Surber and Daniel Stauffacher of ICT4Peace and the Zurich Hub for Ethics, Technology and Society (ZHET) were delighted to  participate in two inaugural events on  Digital Democracy and Ethics in Technological Societies at ETH  by the newly appointed Professors dealing with Ethics,Technology and Society at ETH  Prof. Margarita Boenig-​Liptsin  and Prof. Nadia Mazouz 



These two Professorships at ETH appointed by the ETH Rat upon recommendation of ETH President Joel Mesotfollowed a public letter by Daniel Stauffacher and Regina Surber on behalf of ICT4Peace and the Zurich Hub for Ethics (ZHET) to ETH President Lino Guzzella  and Rektor Sara Springman on 16 July 2018, suggesting the urgent establishment of these Professorships. See the letter below:

ETH Zurich appointed two Professors for Ethics and Technology


Kindly see also the compilation of Regina Surber’s papers, Op-eds and recorded lectures and talks in the ICT4Peace and ZHET publication: