ZHET congratulates ETH Zurich on its launching of the ETH AI Center on 20 October 2020. ETH wrote on 9 October 2020:

“We are pleased to invite you to the opening of the newly founded ETH AI Center. The ETH AI Center will lead the way towards trustworthy, accessible, and inclusive AI systems for the benefit of society.

The ETH AI Center unites researchers of AI foundations, applications, and implications across all departments. Starting with the involvement of 29 professorships, its own premises and new fellowship programmes, the center will reinforce ETH’s strong position in researching this key technology. The center will team up with the best AI research institutions across Europe & beyond to accelerate progress, support start-ups & industry collaborations, and to foster the next generation of AI researchers, transformational leaders, and entrepreneurs.

Join us virtually on October 20th from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. (CET) to celebrate the official inauguration of the ETH AI Center. Please register here to receive the online streaming link and calendar entry.

We look forward to seeing you & to working together with you on the future of AI,

PD Dr. Alexander Ilic                        Prof. Dr. Andreas Krause
Executive Director, ETH AI Center   Chair, ETH AI Center”

On the occasion of this launch, Daniel Stauffacher, President of ZHET wrote to ETH President Joel Mesot, congratulating ETH for this major step. ZHET and its members have been advocation the creation of such a Center starting with a letter to President Lino Guzzella and Rector Sarah Springman on 8 July 2018. Daniel Stauffacher wrote on 9 October 2020 to President Joel Mesot:

“Monsieur le Président,

Avec beaucoup de joie et satisfaction nous avons pris connaissance de la création du ETH AI Center. Félicitations aussi au nom du Zurich Hub for Ethics and Technology (ZHET) (www.ethicsandtechnology.org) et ces membres. Vous vous souvenez peut-être de notre lettre du 8 Juillet 2018 au Président Lino Guzzella et Recteur Sarah Springman et puis à vous, proposant une Chair for Ethics and Technology auprès de ETH Zurich. Nous sommes ravis d’entendre que vous avez crée le ETH AI Center.

Comme vous le savez ZHET a exécuté un nombre de travaux, y inclus des publications sur le thème de “AI, LAWS and Peace Time Threats” depuis sa création en 2016: https://ethicsandtechnology.org/updates/

Nous restons à votre entière disposition et nous nous réjouissons de travailler étroitement avec Messieurs les Professeurs Alexander Ilic et Andreas Krause.

Avec mes meilleurs salutations

Daniel Stauffacher
Zurich Hub for Ethics and Technology (ZHET)
ICT4Peace Foundation”